The currentColor key phrase signifies the value of a feature’s shade home

If currentColor is utilized because the property value colour belongings, they alternatively took its price through the inherited worth of colour homes.

RGB tones

The RGB color model defines a given color during the sRGB colors area per its red, green, and bluish elements. An optional alpha element symbolizes colour’s transparency.


Notice: by CSS shades levels 4, rgba() was an alias for rgb() . In browsers that apply the Level 4 requirement, they take exactly the same details and respond the same way.

Roentgen (red-colored), G (green), B (blue), and A (alpha) become hexadecimal characters (0a€“9, Aa€“F). A is recommended. The three-digit notation ( #RGB ) is a shorter type of the six-digit form ( #RRGGBB ). Eg, #f09 is the same tone as #ff0099 . Also, the four-digit RGB notation ( #RGBA ) try a shorter version of the eight-digit type ( #RRGGBBAA ). Like, #0f38 is similar shade as #00ff3388 .

HSL colors

The HSL colors unit defines a given colors when you look at the sRGB tone room based on the hue, saturation, and lightness parts. An optional leader component signifies the color’s transparency.

A lot of makers see HSL a lot more user-friendly than RGB, as it allows hue, saturation, and lightness to every getting modified alone. HSL can also make it easier to develop a collection of matching hues (such as for example when you want several shades of just one hue). However, utilizing HSL to create color variants may establish surprising outcomes, as it’s perhaps not perceptually uniform. For example, both hsl(240 100% 50%) and hsl(60 100% 50percent) have a similar lightness, although the previous is significantly dark compared to the latter.


Notice: Since CSS tones Level 4, hsla() is an alias for hsl() . In browsers that carry out the amount 4 standard, they recognize the same variables and react the same way.

H (hue) is an associated with the colors group given in deg s, rad s, grad s, or switch s in CSS colors Module levels 4. When created as a unitless , truly interpreted as degrees, as specified in CSS shade component Level 3. By classification, red=0deg=360deg, making use of the other hues dispersed round the circle, so green=120deg, blue=240deg, etc. As an , it implicitly wraps around in a way that -120deg=240deg, 480deg=120deg, -1turn=1turn, etc.

S (saturation) and L (lightness) are percent. 100percent saturation is completely over loaded, while 0percent is completely unsaturated (gray). 100% lightness is white, 0per cent lightness was black colored, and 50% lightness was a€?normal.a€?

HWB hues

Just like HSL shade product escort Berkeley, the HWB color model defines confirmed tone from inside the sRGB color room relating to their hue, whiteness and blackness hardware.

Much like HSL, HWB could be more intuitive to utilize than RGB. A hue is specified just as, followed closely by the quantity of whiteness and blackness, respectively, in amount principles. This features additionally accepts a alpha worth.

Note: There’s no split hwba() function as there clearly was with HSL, the leader advantages was a recommended factor, if it’s not given a leader value of 1 (or 100percent) can be used. To specify this advantages a forward slash ( / ) must follow the blackness worth before the leader advantages is given.


Same as HSL: H (hue) was an in the color circle provided in deg s, rad s, grad s, or become s in CSS Color component amount 4. When written as a unitless , truly interpreted as levels, as given in CSS shade Module degree 3. By definition, red=0deg=360deg, with all the more hues distributed across group, so green=120deg, blue=240deg, etc. As an , they implicitly wraps around so that -120deg=240deg, 480deg=120deg, -1turn=1turn, etc.