I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the service that your website provides

The pain, sadness, uncertainty, and loneliness of jail is a very difficult burden to bear for both the offender and for the family. Your service has made a difficult time in our lives easier and the time pass more swiftly. Your customer service has also been exemplary. Please continue the work that you are doing knowing that it is far more than a business, it is a true ministry. May God bless you for it.

Thank you so much for the web visit. It made things so much easier. Saved me time and money, otherwise I would have to travel 45min-an hour just to visit for 30 min. Very convenient.

Thank you very much for this wonderful service that you have provided for the inmates and their families. The amazing convenience and support for the inmates this service provides is great. Having used this service for the first time, your support staff was very helpful and considerate. Keep up the good work.

She was helping me a few days ago as I was having a video visit with my son and my internet connection dropped. I wasn’t sure what to do so I quickly sent a chat message. Megan let me know that I could simply re-log back on and my session would continue and added a few minutes of time to my session. Once I logged back on, I no longer could see the chat window and did not have the opportunity to thank her.

It is so emotional each time, but this is honestly such a great service to keep the inmates in positive spirits and provides so much support to families and loved ones

I appreciate her quick advice and of course for a few extra minutes as each minute of the video visit are so very valuable.

I just wanted to send a thank you to Megan at the support desk

My name is Lori and my video visit was with Mason W . at the Washoe County Parr Facility in Reno, Nevada. The session was just a few days ago around noon. Thank you again for the help! Have a great day!

My boyfriend is currently incarcerated at Salem County Jail in NJ. I want to thank you for the services you provide. I am not the most tech friendly and your staff (all of them that I have encountered) have been above and beyond helpful and have resolved my problems quickly and efficiently – probably more so than any other vendor I have worked with. Again – thank you. This is a great service and you have a great team.

A note of thanks to whoever created this wonderful video visit. I am disabled, without a vehicle and my son is in a facility over 2 hours away. Not to go in depth but I wanted you to know what an impact iWebVisit can have on someone. I suffer from severe depression and PTSD, so I rarely go anywhere due to this. If it wasn’t for your outstanding iWebVisit then I would never get to see my son. It helps me mentally to have my visits with him. Cheers me up, motivates me and brings a smile to my smile-less face. My family calls the visits my happy visits! I truly want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for blessing me with this wonderful opportunity to see my son. God bless you and iWebVisit!

I had someone named Matthew help me with all my needs in chat today, and I just wanted to let you guys know that he made sure my services were all handled and taken care of and he is totally awesome at his job. He took care of all my needs as quickly as possible and made sure to respond back with all the steps quickly and clearly too! Matthew made sure I was taken care of in a timely efficient manner. Thank you all for all your help! Your company and services are helping me and saving me a lot of time and money being able to do my visits from home! Your company is greatly appreciated!