First, check to see how often your clothing needs to be washed because you might be over-washing

For example, some experts suggest that you only need to wash jeans and other outer clothes, like dress shirts and khakis, every two – three wears. Additionally, bed sheets can go up to two weeks in between washes.

You also need to make sure you’re reading clothing tags to make sure you’re washing things correctly. There are several symbols that explain the temperature, cycle and special washing instructions for your clothes that can save them from being ruined.

Regardless of what your parents may have told you, you might not need to sort your lights from your darks. Modern fabrics are made to be colorfast, meaning the dye won’t bleed in the wash. While you might want to watch your newly purchased items (like blue jeans), most of the time you can combine your laundry into one load, saving on time, money and energy.

Lastly, you should also know when to call in the professionals – the dry cleaners, that is. If the label reads “dry-clean only,” don’t leave it up to chance, especially if the fabric is silk, acetate, velvet, wool or taffeta.

Taking Care of Yourself

Living on your own can be exciting, but it can also be stressful: financially, physically and emotionally. While it’s important to learn to take care of your space, it’s more important to learn how to take care of yourself.

Part of this means looking out for your physical health by scheduling regular doctor appointments. Even if you’re still on your parents’ health insurance, you need to make sure you’re scheduling your routine dental and medical appointments.

If you’re on your own insurance, make sure you first check your health care benefits to see what they cover and how much your copays are. You’ll also want to check to see if your doctors take your insurance and are in your network. Knowing this ahead of time will help eliminate any surprise costs.

On top of scheduling and keeping your health care appointments, you can also stay on top of your health and wellness by eating healthily and exercise regularly. Make healthy choices daily, such as taking the stairs instead of an elevator as often as you can.

Lastly, make sure you’re also taking care of your mental health and wellness . Getting enough sleep, eating well and living an active lifestyle can positively impact your mood, but if you still find that you need help, it’s best to talk to your health care professional about your mental health. They’ll be able to give you advice and help you live a mentally healthy lifestyle.

Managing Your Time

So much goes into living alone, and we haven’t touched on working and managing your money yet! Whether you’re balancing your personal life with work or school, time management is an important life skill to master.

The basics of time management boil down to keeping an organized schedule. If you’re in school, keep a calendar of your classes, assignment due dates and major exam dates. If you have a job, keep a log of major meetings and projects. Additionally, if you have a job with a variable schedule, make sure you’re keeping a log of the days and times you work.

The key is to sit down on a daily or weekly basis and schedule your time on a calendar or to-do list. By doing this, you’ll be able to see open time slots to designate for doing laundry, cleaning your space, going grocery shopping and scheduling doctor’s appointments.

Enter the 21 st century by keeping an electronic calendar either on your smartphone or computer. Google Calendar is a great way to organize and share your schedule with others, if needed, and it has an app.